I started from the example shown on this page : https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/advanced-dependencies/#use-the-instance-as-a-dependency
from typing import Annotated
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
class FixedContentQueryChecker:
def __init__(self, fixed_content: str):
self.fixed_content = fixed_content
def __call__(self, q: str = ""):
if q:
return self.fixed_content in q
return False
checker = FixedContentQueryChecker("bar")
async def read_query_check(fixed_content_included: Annotated[bool, Depends(checker)]):
return {"fixed_content_in_query": fixed_content_included}
Now, I would like to be able to use the same kind of dependency injection but with a dynamically defined value, using a decorator.
def config_checker(value):
checker = FixedContentQueryChecker(value)
def f(func):
async def wrap_func(*args, fixed_content_included: Annotated[bool, Depends(checker)], **kwargs):
return await func(*args, fixed_content_included, **kwargs)
return wrap_func
return f
async def read_query_check_bar(fixed_content_included: Annotated[bool, Depends(??)]):
return {"fixed_content_in_query": fixed_content_included}
async def read_query_check_foo(fixed_content_included: Annotated[bool, Depends(??)]):
return {"fixed_content_in_query": fixed_content_included}
The problem is I need to define the fixed_content_included
as a dependency in the routes so that it won't be treated as a query parameter.
But if I provide anything in the Depends() function in the route definition, it won't be able to be overridden by the decorator so that the parametrized function would be used.
How can I proceed ?
I eventually found a solution using the fastapi-decorators library.
Here's what I achieved to do so far :
import functools
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from fastapi_decorators import depends
app = FastAPI()
def config_checker(value):
def f(func):
def checker():
return value
async def wrap_func(*args, fixed_content_included, **kwargs):
return await func(*args, fixed_content_included=fixed_content_included, **kwargs)
return wrap_func
return f
async def read_query_check_bar(fixed_content_included):
return {"fixed_content_in_query": fixed_content_included}
async def read_query_check_bar(fixed_content_included):
return {"fixed_content_in_query": fixed_content_included}
I still need to check if it can still fit more complex needs but I think it answers what I was asking for here.