I want to install the gnu guile scheme on Windows.
However, I am lost. There isn't a clear guide on how to do that. Most of the methods I found are for macOS, FreeBSD and Linux-based OS which in all of them is a simple command.
Thank you for your time.
You can use msys2.
install msys2.
Then simply do:
pacman -S guile
However if you want native guile on windows, there is a trick. (Disclaimer: this is my own fork with patches to build on windows) (most of the work is from github.com/lyrra/)
pacman -Syu base-devel autotools gettext-devel pactoys git --needed --noconfirm
git clone -b wip-mingw-kreijstal https://github.com/Kreijstal/guile.git
cd guile
pacboy -S cc:p gperf:p libunistring:p sccache:p gc:p --needed --noconfirm
CC="sccache cc" CXX="sccache c++" ./configure --enable-mini-gmp --enable-jit=no --with-threads --enable-guile-debug --with-bdw-gc=bdw-gc
make -j
In case this is out of date, just rebase with the guile upstream and compile again..