
kdb : self join to select duplicate with a condition

I have a table:

t  value 
A    MT 
A    RX
B    SD
B    RX
A    RX 
C    SD

I want to select common values for t=A with other t but without duplicates:

Expected output:

t  value 
A    RX
B    RX


  • This is a long winded solution so let me break it down

    q)distinct select from tab where val in exec val from select from tab where t<>`A,val in exec val from tab where t=`A
    t val
    A RX
    B RX

    In the first part we exec values where t=`A

    q)exec val from tab where t=`A

    We use this list in the next part of our query which selects from our table where values are in this list, and where t<>`A

    q)select from tab where t<>`A,val in exec val from tab where t=`A
    t val
    B RX

    We use the values from our previous query to select from our table

    q)select from tab where val in exec val from select from tab where t<>`A,val in exec val from tab where t=`A
    t val
    A RX
    B RX
    A RX

    Finally, use distinct to remove duplicates

    q)distinct select from tab where val in exec val from select from tab where t<>`A,val in exec val from tab where t=`A
    t val
    A RX
    B RX

    Note: Since value is a q key word, it’s advised not to use it as a column name in a table.