
My form input boxes are clearing when the value is changed (password validation)

I have developed a React+NextJS application. The login page on load uses a useEffect hook to ask my server if the admin account exists. This in turn sets a hook, which affects what content is loaded.

const [adminExists, setAdminExists] = useState(false); // <- assume account does not exist    
const [submitEnabled, setSubmitEnabled] = useState(false);
const [errors, setErrors] = useState("");

useEffect(() => {
    ... request from server

Then the return function of the page:

const LoginForm = () => {
    if (adminExists) {
        return (...loginForm)
    } else {
        return (
            <div ...props>
                <Form ...props>
                    <div ...props>
                        <Input ...props/> // <- username
                    <div ...props>
                        <Input ...props/> // <- password
                    <div ...props>
                        <Input ...props/> // <- password confirm
                    <div ...props>
                        <Button ...props isDisabled={!submitEnabled}/> // <- submit button
                    <div ...props>

return (

The Input boxes have a key up listener as follows:


And validatePasswords:

const validatePasswords = (e) => {
    // extract form data
    const password = form.get('password')
    const passwordConfirm = form.get('passwordConfirm')

    setSubmitEnabled(password.length > 0 && passwordConfirm > 0 && password === passwordConfirm)

    if (!password.startsWith(passwordConfirm)) {
        setErrors("Passwords must match")
    } else {
        setErrors("") // <- clear errors

The problem:

I believe the parent component is re-rendering when the hook is changed or am I wrong?

How do I get this to work? I am not very experienced with React or NextJS so help is much appreciated.


  • Ok so I was playing around and it seems the issue is in the LoginForm const. It just doesn't like the fact its being returned from a call. I really don't understand why, perhaps someone with more understanding could explain?

    However, I fixed the input box issue by moving the form into the main return of the component.

    So, instead of:

    const LoginForm = () => {
        if (adminExists) return someComponent;
        else return someOtherComponent
    return (

    I now do:

    if (adminExists) return (
        <div ...props>
            ... the login form and the rest
    else return (
        <div ...props>
            ...the signup form and the rest

    This stopped the entire page re-rendering on every value entered into an input box.