is a 3D matrix and could for example have the following shape:
(4000, 25, 25)
I want raise Q
to the power n
for {0, 1, ..., k}
and sum it all.
Basically, I want to calculate
I have the following function that works as expected:
def sum_of_powers(Q: np.ndarray, k: int) -> np.ndarray:
Qs = np.sum([
np.linalg.matrix_power(Q, n) for n in range(k)
], axis=0)
return Qs
Is it possible to speed up my function or is there a faster method to obtain the same output?
We can perform this calculation in O(log k) matrix operations.
Let M(k) represent the k'th power of the input, and S(k) represent the sum of those powers from 0 to k. Let I represent an appropriate identity matrix.
If you expand the product, you'll find that (M(1) - I) * S(k) = M(k+1) - I
. That means we can compute M(k+1)
using a standard matrix power (which takes O(log k) matrix multiplications), and compute S(k)
by using numpy.linalg.solve
to solve the equation (M(1) - I) * S(k) = M(k+1) - I
import numpy.linalg
def option1(Q, k):
identity = numpy.eye(Q.shape[-1])
A = Q - identity
B = numpy.linalg.matrix_power(Q, k+1) - identity
return numpy.linalg.solve(A, B)
This does depend on M(1) - I
being invertible, though. Fortunately, there's another approach that doesn't have that limitation.
The standard exponentation by squaring algorithm computes M(2*k)
as M(k)*M(k)
and M(2*k+1)
as M(2*k)*M(1)
We can alter the algorithm to track both S(k-1) and M(k), by computing S(2*k-1)
as S(k-1)*M(k) + S(k-1)
and S(2*k)
as S(2*k-1) + M(2*k)
import numpy
def option2(Q, k):
identity = numpy.eye(Q.shape[-1])
if k == 0:
res = numpy.empty_like(Q)
res[:] = identity
return res
power = Q
sum_of_powers = identity
# Looping over a string might look dumb, but it's actually the most efficient option,
# as well as the simplest. (It wouldn't be the bottleneck even if it wasn't efficient.)
for bit in bin(k+1)[3:]:
sum_of_powers = (sum_of_powers @ power) + sum_of_powers
power = power @ power
if bit == "1":
sum_of_powers += power
power = power @ Q
return sum_of_powers