EF Core DbContext.AnyAsync throws could not be translated error

I'm new to the EF Core world, a simple query like this one:

return await DbContext
     .AnyAsync(c => c.Email.Value == email, cancellationToken);

throws this error:

The LINQ expression 'DbSet() .Any(c => c.Email.Value == __email_0)' could not be translated.

Configuration for the Email in the database model:

builder.Property(customer => customer.Email)
    .HasConversion(email => email.Value, value => new Domain.Customers.Email(value));


  • It's because EF Core cannot translate the expression c.Email.Value into SQL. This is a common issue when dealing with non-primitive types in the EF.

    One possible solution is to change the string value to the record/complex type when comparing.

    return await DbContext
        .AnyAsync(c => c.Email.Value == email, cancellationToken);

    to this

    return await DbContext
        .AnyAsync(c => c.Email == new Domain.Customers.Email(email), cancellationToken);