I am using PrimeNG version 17 p-calendar component, I am setting the dateFormat to the below or any other dateFormat however it doesn't take effect. I continue to see yy-mm-dd showing up when I select a month instead of yy-mm. Even if I try mm/yy it gets ignored. In the same browser, I navigate to the primeng website and date format seems to take effect.
<p-calendar [(ngModel)]="transSvc.transactionPageDateRanged" placeholder="Date range"
[readonlyInput]="true" [showClear]="true" [showButtonBar]="false"
dateFormat="yy-mm" view="month" [maxDate]="maxDate" selectionMode="range" />
Any hints are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This was my fault 🤦, I had somewhere in my code
Calendar.prototype.getDateFormat = () => 'yy-mm-dd';