
Unable to load Image using coil3 composed: AsyncImage

I'm learning Composed and tried to load an image from the internet using coil3.

fun Test() {
    val imageUrl = ""
    val imageRequest = ImageRequest.Builder(LocalPlatformContext.current)

    Surface (modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
                model = imageRequest,
                contentDescription = "Test Image",
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().size(80.dp),
                error = painterResource(R.drawable.resized_image_1) 

I also tried to use rememberAsyncImagePainter() but the image in the error is rendered Permissions for internet is give. Am i mission anything here thanks


  • By default, Coil 3.x does not include support for loading images from the network. To add support for fetching images from the network import only one of the following:

    implementation("io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-network-okhttp:3.0.4") // Only available on Android/JVM.

    You can also use DebugLogger to get the error description:

    internal class AppAplication: Application(), SingletonImageLoader.Factory {
        override fun newImageLoader(context: PlatformContext): ImageLoader =