
Handling Exceptions inside Pipeline

I'am kind of new to laravel and currently working with pipelines. As I know, if one step inside the Pipeline fail, the whole Pipeline get stopped at that step. That is exactly what I want, so I'am fine with that.

But I want to handle the given Exception from the failing step. And now is the question, how? I can't find anything about that..

So my code for the pipeline looks like this (e.g.):

final readonly class CreateInboundPlanPipeline
    public function __invoke(DataContainer $container, Closure $next): DataContainer
        //Init Normalizer
        $normalizer = new FBAInboundNormalizer();

        //Do something with $container
        $items = json_decode($container->__get('initialrequest')->input('items'));
        $response = $normalizer->createInboundPlan($items, $container->__get('initialrequest'));

            $extendContainer = $container;
            $extendContainer->inboundplanid = $response["inboundPlanId"];
            $extendContainer->currentOperationId = $response["operationId"];
            throw new \Exception($response["message"]);

        return $next($extendContainer);

public function handle(): void
    $filledContainer = app(Pipeline::class)
        //Action after Pipeline
        //e.g. fill a model or smth

E.g. if "CreateInboundPlanPipeline" throws an Exception, how could I catch and handle it? I found the function "handleException" inside the Pipeline, is that the proper way? Would look like this?

$filledContainer = app(Pipeline::class)
            //Action after Pipeline
            //e.g. fill a model or smth
            //Handle Exception here


  • You should be able to try/catch the pipeline.

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Pipeline;
        $data = Pipeline::send($whatever)
    }catch(MyException $e){
        // Handle however you want