
How to make both edges (1edge starting from a node and 2ndedge ending in that node) bw two nodes in a directed (asym) graph using networkx in python?

I have a distance matrix of 50 cities. Sample matrix of the first 10 cities looks something like following:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 Inf 1033.836 2954.445 Inf 570.7902 Inf 5201.642 927.6648 Inf
1 Inf 0 846.4284 2988.993 1739.0 586.6539 556.8027 4718.087 992.3883 Inf
2 1065.751 Inf 0 3713.848 2328.803 1293.154 922.5469 5968.72 1660.567 917.3977
3 3093.118 2721.323 3738.992 0 1386.044 2593.299 2926.249 2167.597 2188.789 2756.88
4 1547.838 1609.13 2530.782 1509.116 0 1071.186 Inf 3437.752 624.6915 1348.369
5 541.9545 603.5713 1270.946 2354.782 1026.145 0 204.1122 4501.91 436.0267 401.6861
6 459.8273 581.1262 1058.695 2634.319 1264.167 Inf 0 Inf 717.3868 300.6823
7 4815.335 5330.784 5322.427 2153.888 3612.119 4600.471 5372.185 0 3998.066 5173.963
8 789.3162 901.9897 1795.072 2139.049 635.1849 434.8522 738.8418 4598.177 0 775.1959
9 794.9219 244.2613 Inf 2964.827 1463.854 388.5041 297.126 5215.893 845.9431 0

There are 'inf' in the matrix where the cities are not connected, and 0 in the diagonals. I want to visualise the path from (say) city 3 to city 4 and from city 4 to city 3 also.

I want to visualise this matrix using networkx in python. I am not getting proper output as I expect. As per this question: (how to draw directed graphs using networkx in python?) and the answer given by raz, I was able to get the following graph with 'directed, and arrowhead' visualisation, Visualisation of an asymmetric distance matrix using the following code:

G = nx.DiGraph(directed=True)

num_nodes = 10 #considering only first 10 cities

for i in range(num_nodes):
    for j in range(num_nodes): 
        if (distance_matrix[i][j] != 0) and (distance_matrix[i][j] != np.inf):
            G.add_edge(i, j, weight=distance_matrix[i][j])

pos = nx.random_layout(G, seed=6)
edge_labels = {key: round(value, 3) for key, value in nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "weight").items()} #Doing this just to control the prescision of the distances

options = {
    'node_color': 'lightblue',
    'node_size': 100,
    'width': 1,
    'arrowstyle': '-|>',
    'arrowsize': 12,

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, arrows=True, **options)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=5)
plt.title("Distance Matrix Visualized as Graph")

I get this visualisation Visualisation of an asymmetric distance matrix.

Here, only one sided edges are being shown. I want both sided edges (with different values obviously) to be shown.

For example: edge from city 3 to city 4 has 1386.0443 and from city 4 to city 3 has 1509.1162 distance. But the graph only plots 1509.1162

Following code




i.e., the graph has the information about edges in both directions, but it is still showing only one sided edge.

I need help with correctly drawing both edges (i.e. one edge starting from a city and other one ending in that city) between any two cities in a directed asymmetric graph.


  • You may add some curvature to your edges (for example with the option 'connectionstyle': 'arc3,rad=-0.1') in both draw_networkx and draw_networkx_edge_labels:

    options = {
        'node_color': 'lightblue',
        'node_size': 100,
        'width': 1,
        'arrowstyle': '-|>',
        'arrowsize': 12,
        'connectionstyle': 'arc3,rad=-0.1',
    nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, arrows=True, **options)
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, connectionstyle=options['connectionstyle'],
                                 edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size=5)


    networkx digraph edge labels