I'm working on a smart contract test using ethers.js, and I'm facing an issue with rounding errors when comparing ether balances of accounts after executing transactions. Specifically, the problem arises when I try to test the balance changes for an auction system.
I'm using ethers.js v6.
In my test, I am calculating the fee amount and then distributing the ether to the seller and refunding the buyer. However, after the transaction, I encounter a difference of 1 wei when comparing the balance changes for the smart contract, the buyer, and the seller. The issue seems to be related to rounding discrepancies in the calculations, and I need to account for this while testing.
function buy(uint index) external payable activeAuction(index) {
Auction storage auction = auctions[index];
require(block.timestamp < auction.endAt, "Auction has ended");
uint price = getPriceFor(index);
require(msg.value >= price, "Not enough money");
auction.stopped = true;
auction.finalPrice = price;
uint refund = msg.value - price;
if(refund > 0) {
auction.seller.transfer(price - ((price * FEE)/100));
emit AuctionEnded(index, price, msg.sender);
Test method:
it("Should allow to buy and refund", async () => {
const FEE = 10;
const oneEtherInWei = ethers.parseEther("1"); // 1 ETH = 1e18 wei
const twoEtherInWei = ethers.parseEther("2"); // 2 ETH = 2e18 wei
await expect(smartContract.connect(seller).createAuction(
"test item",
const tx = await smartContract.connect(buyer).buy(0, { value: twoEtherInWei });
await tx.wait();
const feeAmount = (parseFloat(oneEtherInWei.toString()) * FEE) / 100;
console.log("feeAmount :", feeAmount);
const moneyForSeller = parseFloat(oneEtherInWei.toString()) - feeAmount;
console.log("moneyForSeller :", moneyForSeller);
const moneyLeftOnContract = parseFloat(oneEtherInWei.toString()) - moneyForSeller;
console.log("moneyLeftOnContract :", moneyLeftOnContract);
await expect(tx).to.changeEtherBalance(smartContract.target, moneyLeftOnContract.toString()) // Перевірка зміни балансу смарт-контракту
await expect(tx).to.changeEtherBalance(buyer.address, (parseFloat(twoEtherInWei) * -1).toString()) // Перевірка зміни балансу покупця
await expect(tx).to.changeEtherBalance(seller.address, moneyForSeller.toString()) // Перевірка зміни балансу продавця
const price = await smartContract.auctions(0).finalPrice;
expect(tx).to.emit(smartContract, "AuctionEnded")
.withArgs(0, price, buyer);
I would try to do the calculations in BigNumber/BigInt instead of converting all to floats. So you don't lose precision converting from strings.
// using ethers v5
//const feeAmount = (parseFloat(oneEtherInWei.toString()) * FEE) / 100;
const feeAmount = oneEtherInWei.mul(FEE).div(100);
//const moneyForSeller = parseFloat(oneEtherInWei.toString()) - feeAmount;
const moneyForSeller = oneEtherInWei.sub(feeAmount);
//const moneyLeftOnContract = parseFloat(oneEtherInWei.toString()) - moneyForSeller;
const moneyLeftOnContract = oneEtherInWei.sub(moneyForSeller);
Using ethers V6:
const feeAmount = oneEtherInWei * BigInt(FEE) / BigInt(100);
const moneyForSeller = oneEtherInWei - feeAmount;
const moneyLeftOnContract = oneEtherInWei - moneyForSeller;