
How to publish and visualiuse custom KPIs in azure devops with PowerBI?

I calculate some custom KPIs for each build with my own tooling and attach it to the build as part of metadata or some artifact (think of some home-grown code metrics like number of lines changed or number of people working on a PR). Those numbers are calculated during azure DevOps build pipeline.

Is it possible publish those number after each build and to track the trend of those KPIs via built-in PowerBI operating on the data from azure pipeline build without external tools?


  • For these custom KPIs, I'm afraid it's not directly supported.

    Check the doc for integration, when you query pipeline metrics, the available properties are all listed in Metadata reference for Azure Pipelines, it's not including the custom ones.

    enter image description here

    One possible way is you can store the custom KPIs in work item fields in pipeline via rest api, with an analytics view of these work items for each build, you can query the view to get the fields value in Power BI to track the trends.