
Blazor syncfusion component, cannot change hint Uploader_DropFilesHint

Is there an easy way to change the "Uploader_DropFilesHint" default hint of the SfUploader component?

          <SfUploader @ref="Uploader">
              <UploaderEvents ValueChange="@((args) => OnChange(args, account))"></UploaderEvents>
              <UploaderButtons Browse="Browse"></UploaderButtons>

I was only able to change the text button with Browse="Browse"


  • You could try browser F12 to find the element and modify it manually.

    @page "/"
    @inject IJSRuntime js
    <SfUploader >
        async function ChangeText(){
        var spanElement = document.querySelector('.e-file-drop');
        spanElement.innerText = 'Drop Drop Drop';
    @code {
        protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
            await js.InvokeVoidAsync("ChangeText");

    enter image description here