When using GetOpenFileName
, if the user types an URL in the open box, the function (at least in Windows 11) downloads in the background the file then it caches in a local folder somewhere under %user%\AppData\Local
and returns it to the user.
OPENFILENAME of = { 0 };
of.lStructSize = sizeof(of);
of.lpstrFilter = L"*.xml\0*.xml\0\0";
wchar_t fil[1000] = {};
of.lpstrFile = fil;
of.nMaxFile = 1000;
GetOpenFileName(&of); // if you paste an URL to the box, it gets it.
On modern Windows, GetOpenFileName is implemented by using the newer IFileOpenDialog interface.
You can use IFileOpenDialog
yourself directly instead using a code like this:
int main()
IFileOpenDialog* dlg;
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&dlg));
if (dlg)
if (SUCCEEDED(dlg->Show(nullptr)))
IShellItem* result;
if (SUCCEEDED(dlg->GetResult(&result)))
// a download or a cache access may happen here
IStream* stream;
if (SUCCEEDED(result->BindToHandler(nullptr, BHID_Stream, IID_PPV_ARGS(&stream))))
// you will get here if the download succeeded or if the url's download result was already in the cache
... read from the stream ...
// the url download probably failed
Note in the case of urls, when we call IFileOpenDialog::GetResult
(s), we will get IShellItem
(s) back with their name being the url itself.
With these items, we can call IShellItem::BindToHandler
and ask for an IStream
interface. If the underlying operation succeeds (something is downloaded from the url or from a local cache), we can then read from that stream (note it's a readonly stream) to read the content w/o knowing where it was actually downloaded locally.
AFAIK there's no way to customize anything to these workings.
Internally it relies on SHParseDisplayName (from the desktop) and higher-level alike functions, so for example, you can do this too:
SHCreateItemFromParsingName(L"http://www.example.com", nullptr, IID_PPV_ARGS(&item));
item->BindToHandler(nullptr, BHID_Stream, IID_PPV_ARGS(&stream));