I am using ggsurvfit package to create a cumulative incidence plot and to it I have included a risk table which currently shows Number at risk (cumulative event) as well as survival following the example of Customized statistics from package's gallery Customized statistics
However, I would like to add the proportion of persons with events at specified timepoints e.g. at 1, 2, 4 months etc within the risk table of the cumulative incidence plot instead of the survival. How can I do this?
The code below within the risk table
res <- survfit2(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = df_colon) %>%
ggsurvfit(type = "risk", linewidth = 0.8) +
add_confidence_interval() +
risktable_stats =
c("{n.risk} ({cum.event})",
"{round(estimate*100)}% ({round(conf.low*100)}, {round(conf.high*100)})"),
stats_label = c("At Risk (Cum. Events)", "Survival (95% CI)")
) +
scale_ggsurvfit(x_scales = list(breaks = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)))
I don't think there is a way to do this within the add_risktable()
funciton. But the ggsurvfit package does export a general function for adding anything you'd like below the survival curve called ggsurvfit_align_plots()
. The help file includes an example placing a figure, but you can swap the figure out for a ggplot using geom_text()
to put any statistics you'd like.