I am trying to go through the tutorial app for Phoenix/Liveview.
Here are the versions used:
{:phoenix, "~> 1.7.14"},
{:phoenix_live_view, "~> 1.0.0-rc.1", override: true},
When I run the page, I get simply Current temperature: {@temperature}°F
instead of Current temperature: 70°F
. The code is 100% the same (except for the module name):
defmodule HelloWeb.ThermostatLive do
use HelloWeb, :live_view
def render(assigns) do
Current temperature: {@temperature}°F
<button phx-click="inc_temperature">+</button>
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
temperature = 70 # Let's assume a fixed temperature for now
{:ok, assign(socket, :temperature, temperature)}
def handle_event("inc_temperature", _params, socket) do
{:noreply, update(socket, :temperature, &(&1 + 1))}
I do get phx-GBoxXiWqZC21mxGj error: view crashed - undefined
in the dev-console, but I'm not sure whether this is something related to this problem.
Part of my router.ex
scope "/", HelloWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :home
live "/thermostat", ThermostatLive
Anything that is wrong?
btw. the example hello-messenger that renders a variable works
we added <%= @temperature %> instead of {@temperature}
defmodule HelloWeb.ThermostatLive do use HelloWeb, :live_view
def render(assigns) do ~H""" Current temperature: <%= @temperature %> + """ end
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do # Let's assume a fixed temperature for now temperature = 70 {:ok, assign(socket, :temperature, temperature)} end
def handle_event("inc_temperature", params, socket) do {:noreply, update(socket, :temperature, &(&1 + 1))} end end
!!! somewhat the buttons are not showing up in the code.!!!