Not able to sniff the packet on New Raspberry pi5 device Arm64 using wifi TP link Ac600 dongle but the same code works on pi4 for same dongle.
Wlan1 is set to monitor mode
from scapy.all import *
packets = sniff(iface='wlan1', timeout=10)
print (str(packets))
I had faced same issue initially. Make sure the drivers & required supporting frameworks are installed correctly.
Step 1: sudo apt-get update
Step 2: sudo apt -y raspberry-kernel-headers build-essential bc dkms git
Step 3: sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
Step 4: verify sudo dkm status if already available
Step 5: git clone
Step 6: run command `make`
Step 7: sudo make install
Step 8: reboot
Step 9: Install scapy
Step 10: run scapy & try your snippet