
Error in using Apache.poi for reading an excel sheet in Java, using VScode

I am a beginner in coding, and want to read an excel file (xlsx) using java. My IDE is VSCode and I'm not using maven or gradle.

I downloaded the zip file from the Apache website, poi-bin-5.2.3, and put the jar files (poi-5.2.3.jar, poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar) in the "Referenced Libraries" section.

But when I include the line :


I get the error:

error: package does not exist

I am a beginner at coding and this is my first time importing jar files and trying to use Apache, so please explain things at a very basic level.


  • 1.unzip

    2.Create a lib folder in the folder I opened a folder on vscode.

    3.Put the unzip folder inside lib.


    4.You also need to install log4j-core.jar.

    A simple way: Download the corresponding version through a default empty Maven project. Then copy the downloaded folder into lib folder.

    Default location:




    There is an error in the code sample. Replace

    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: -> case STRING:

    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: -> case NUMERIC: