I'm checking the location using the ontapGesture method on SwiftUI. By the way, I used the .onTapGesture method for the Rectangle shape I set, and when I printed the location, I can check the location as print even if I click on a fine area outside the Rectangle. The location is negative! If I want the value to be printed to fit the size of 200 * 200, do I have no choice but to use the if statement? Does the content shape method make a touchable area a little larger than the visible view?
struct TapGestureLocationExample: View {
var body: some View {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.onTapGesture { location in
print("Tapped at \(location)")
Tapped at (-8.666671752929688, 27.333328247070312)
Tapped at (-5.6666717529296875, -9.0)
Tapped at (9.0, -10.0)
I thought location information would only be printed for the size I want using the ontapGesture method.
By default, there is a small padding with gesture
or even Button
out of its bound. IMO, this is about UI/UX, for increasing tappable area. However, there are workarounds for your situation:
for both x & y axes, so you can reduce the content inset:Rectangle()
.onTapGesture { location in
print("Tapped at \(location)")
.contentShape(Rectangle().inset(by: 10))
tap location
, before firing any events:let rectangleSize: CGSize = .init(width: 200, height: 200)
SpatialTapGesture().onEnded { value in
guard (0...rectangleSize.width).contains(value.location.x) && (0...rectangleSize.height).contains(value.location.y) else {
print("Tapped at \(value.location)")