
How to Stack Painted Phylogenetic Trees in R Like ggdensitree but with Colored Regimes

I would like to plot a sample of phylogenetic trees where the branches are “painted” to represent regimes, similar to the result of plotSimmap from the phytools package:

enter image description here

However, instead of plotting a single tree, I want to stack multiple trees on top of each other in a single visualization, similar to the behavior of ggdensitree from the ggtree package:

enter image description here

The goal is to have a stacked plot where each tree retains its regime-specific branch colors. Is there a way to achieve this in R, possibly using ggtree, ggplot2, or another approach?


Reproducible Example: We can simulate, for example, a sample of 25 trees this way:



trees_with_regimes <- list()

# Generate trees with mapped regimes
for (i in 1:25) {

  tree <- rtree(5)   # 5 tips
  # Define regimes, "A" and "B"
  regimes <- sample(c("A", "B"), size = 5, replace = TRUE)
  names(regimes) <- tree$tip.label # Assign regimes to tip labels
  # Map regimes onto the tree
  mapped_tree <- make.simmap(tree, regimes, model = "ER", nsim = 1)
  # Store the mapped tree
  trees_with_regimes[[i]] <- mapped_tree

If we plot each of these trees separately, they will show the regimes with different colors:

# works also with "plot" instead of "plotSimmap"
plotSimmap(trees_with_regimes[[1]], lwd  = 7, fsize = 2)

enter image description here

But when plotting the entire tree sample, the regime colors are lost:

# or any other function for plotting several stacked trees

This doesn't look nice because the trees were randomly generated

I would like the last plot to include the different colors for the two regimes.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


  • You can use the add parameter (a logical value indicating whether or not to add the plotted tree to the current plot (TRUE) or create a new plot (FALSE, the default)) in plotSimmap to plot your 25 Simmaps on top of each other whilst still retaining the colors.

    If you want to create an ultrametric tree where all tips are equidistant from the root and branches are aligned vertically, use chronos() or force.ultrametric()

    To force the alignment of the tips between tree1, tree2, and so on, you need to ensure that all trees in your list have the same tip labels in the same order.

    trees_with_regimes <- list()
    # Generate trees with mapped regimes
    for (i in 1:8) {
      # Generate basic tree
      tree <- rtree(5)
      # Make tree ultrametric with equal branch lengths
      # Option 1: Using chronos
      #tree <- chronos(tree, lambda = 0, model = "discrete")
      # OR Option 2: Using force.ultrametric
      tree <- force.ultrametric(tree)
      # Define regimes
      regimes <- sample(c("A", "B"), size = 5, replace = TRUE)
      names(regimes) <- tree$tip.label
      # Map regimes
      mapped_tree <- make.simmap(tree, regimes, model = "ER", nsim = 1)
      trees_with_regimes[[i]] <- mapped_tree
    # Reorder all trees to align their tip labels
    aligned_trees <- lapply(trees_with_regimes, function(tree) {
      reorderSimmap(tree, order = "cladewise")
    # Function to reorder tip labels of a tree based on a reference tree
    align_tips <- function(tree, reference_tip_labels) {
      # Match the tree to the reference tip labels
      tree$edge <- reorder(tree, order = "cladewise")$edge
      tree$tip.label <- reference_tip_labels
    # Use the first tree's tip labels as the reference
    reference_tip_labels <- aligned_trees[[1]]$tip.label
    # Align all trees' tip labels to the reference
    aligned_trees <- lapply(aligned_trees, align_tips, reference_tip_labels = reference_tip_labels)
    # Function to plot multiple simmap trees stacked
    plot_stacked_simmaps <- function(trees, 
                                     lwd = 7, # line width
                                     fsize = 2, # relative label font size
                                     alpha = 0.5, # alpha of additional plots
                                     colors = NULL, 
                                     showLabels = T) { # show Tip Labels or not
      # If no colors provided, use default blue and red
      if(is.null(colors)) {
        colors <- c("A" = "blue", "B" = "red")
      # Plot the first tree normally
      plotSimmap(trees[[1]], lwd = lwd, fsize = fsize, colors = colors, ftype = if(!showLabels) "off" else "reg")
      # Add subsequent trees with lower opacity
      if(length(trees) > 1) {
        for(i in 2:length(trees)) {
          # Colors with transparency
          transparent_colors <- sapply(colors, function(x) {
            rgb_vals <- col2rgb(x)
            rgb(rgb_vals[1], rgb_vals[2], rgb_vals[3], alpha = alpha * 255, maxColorValue = 255)
          # Add tree to existing plot
                     add = TRUE, 
                     lwd = lwd, 
                     fsize = fsize,
                     colors = transparent_colors,
                     ftype = if(!showLabels) "off" else "reg")
    # Plot the aligned stacked simmaps
    plot_stacked_simmaps(aligned_trees, lwd = 7, fsize = 2, showLabels = T)

