
Implementation of F1-score, IOU and Dice Score

This paper proposes a medical image segmentation hybrid CNN - Transformer model for segmenting organs and lesions in medical images simultaneously. Their model has two output branches, one to output organ mask, and the other to output lesion mask. Now they describe the testing process as follows:

In order to compare the performance of our approach with the state- of-the-art approaches, the following evaluation metrics have been used: F1-score (F1-S), Dice score (D-S), Intersection Over Union (IoU), and HD95, which are defined as follows:

enter image description here

enter image description here

where T P is True Positives, T N is True Negatives, F P is False Positives,and F N is False Negatives, all associated with the segmentation classes of the test images. The Dice score is a macro metric, which is calculated for N testing images as follow:

enter image description here where TPi, FPi and FNi are True Positives, True Negatives, False. Positives and False Negative for the ith image, respectively.

I am confused regarding how to implement those metrics (excluding HD95) like in this paper, what I understand is that to compute TP, FP, and FN for f1-score and IoU, I need to aggregate those 3 quantities (TP, FP, and FN) across all the samples in the test set for the two outputs (lesion and organ), and the aggregation is a sum operation. So for example to calculate the TP, I need to calculate it for every output of every sample and sum this TP. Then repeat this for calculating the TP for every sample in a similar manner and then add all those TPs to get the overall TP. Then I do the same for FP and FN and then plug them in the formulas.

I am not sure if my understanding is correct or not. For Dice score, I need to calculate it for every output separately and then average them? I am not sure about that, so I accessed the GitHub for this paper. The model is defined here, and the coding for the testing procedure is defined here. The used framework is PyTorch. I don't have any knowledge regarding PyTorch, so still I can't understand how these metrics have been implemented, and hence, I cant confirm if my understanding is correct or not. So please can somebody explain the logic used to implement these metrics.

Edit 1 : I went through the code for calculating TP,FP, and FN in

TP += np.sum(((preds == 1).astype(int) +
                             (yy == 1).astype(int)) == 2)
                TN += np.sum(((preds == 0).astype(int) +
                             (yy == 0).astype(int)) == 2)
                FP += np.sum(((preds == 1).astype(int) +
                             (yy == 0).astype(int)) == 2)
                FN += np.sum(((preds == 0).astype(int) +
                             (yy == 1).astype(int)) == 2)

It seems like they were doing the forward pass using a for loop and then accumulating the these quantities, and after this loop they calculate the metrics:

    F1score = TP / (TP + ((1/2)*(FP+FN)) + 1e-8)
    IoU = TP / (TP+FP+FN)

So this means that they are accumulating the TP,FP and FN through all the images for both outputs and then they calculate the metrics, Is that correct ? For Dice Score it seems tricky for me, they still inside the loop calculate some quantities :

for idice in range(preds.shape[0]):
                    dice_scores += (2 * (preds[idice] * yy[idice]).sum()) / (
                        (preds[idice] + yy[idice]).sum() + 1e-8
                predss = np.logical_not(preds).astype(int)
                yyy = np.logical_not(yy).astype(int)
                for idice in range(preds.shape[0]):
                    dice_sc1 = (2 * (preds[idice] * yy[idice]).sum()) / (
                        (preds[idice] + yy[idice]).sum() + 1e-8
                    dice_sc2 = (2 * (predss[idice] * yyy[idice]).sum()) / (
                        (predss[idice] + yyy[idice]).sum() + 1e-8
                    dice_scores2 += (dice_sc1 + dice_sc2) / 2

Then at the end of the loop :

 epoch_dise = dice_scores/len(dataloader.dataset)
 epoch_dise2 = dice_scores2/len(dataloader.dataset)

Still, I cant understand what is going on for Dice Score.


  • Disclaimers:

    Anyway, let's break down their code (maybe put the code sample side by side with the explanations below it):

    dice_scores, dice_scores2, TP, TN, FP, FN = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for batch in tqdm(dataloader):
        x, y, _, _ = batch
        outputs, _ = model(x)
        preds = segm(outputs) > 0.5
        yy = y > 0.5
        TP += np.sum(((preds == 1) + (yy == 1)) == 2)
        TN += np.sum(((preds == 0) + (yy == 0)) == 2)
        FP += np.sum(((preds == 1) + (yy == 0)) == 2)
        FN += np.sum(((preds == 0) + (yy == 1)) == 2)
        for idice in range(preds.shape[0]):
            dice_scores += ((2 * (preds[idice] * yy[idice]).sum()) /
                            ((preds[idice] + yy[idice]).sum() + 1e-8))
        predss = np.logical_not(preds)
        yyy = np.logical_not(yy)
        for idice in range(preds.shape[0]):
            dice_sc1 = ((2 * (preds[idice] * yy[idice]).sum()) /
                        ((preds[idice] + yy[idice]).sum() + 1e-8))
            dice_sc2 = ((2 * (predss[idice] * yyy[idice]).sum()) /
                        ((predss[idice] + yyy[idice]).sum() + 1e-8))
            dice_scores2 += (dice_sc1 + dice_sc2) / 2
    epoch_dise = dice_scores/len(dataloader.dataset)
    epoch_dise2 = dice_scores2/len(dataloader.dataset)
    F1score = TP / (TP + ((1/2)*(FP+FN)) + 1e-8)
    IoU = TP / (TP+FP+FN)

    So, to summarize once more: