
Sybase ASE deallocate cursor if it exists

Say I have

declare c cursor for select * from table

If I ran the above twice, it would fail with

There is already another cursor with the name 'c' at the nesting level '<pointer>'

I can prevent this with

declare c cursor for select * from table
deallocate c

However, if the cursor takes long to execute and I interrupt it mid-work, the cursor will remain and will fail again on re-run.

What I'm after is to do something like

if cursor_exists(c) deallocate c
declare c cursor for select * from table

Is that possible with Sybase ASE?


  • If running ASE 16.0 SP02 PL05 (or later) you have access to the cursorinfo() function. [NOTE: While SAP, for some unknown reason, removed this function from later reference manuals the function does in fact exist in newer versions of ASE.]

    Of particular interest is the first bullet under the Usage section:

    enter image description here

    Testing the 'status' option:

    -- cursor 'c' does not exist at this point
    select cursorinfo('c','status')
    declare c cursor for select * from sysobjects
    select cursorinfo('c','status')

    One idea for incorporating cursorinfo() into OP's requirement for conditionally running the deallocate [cursor] command:

    if cursorinfo('c','status') is not NULL deallocate c

    NOTE: above code was verified against an ASE 16.0 SP04 PL04 instance

    If OP is running a pre-16.0 SP02 PL05 version of ASE I'm not aware (off the top of my head) of a 'clean' way of performing the same operation without unwanted output, ie: