
Picker still interactable when disabled

I want to disable a picker view in a form using a bool variable. When disabled, the picker greys out but I can still click on it. I have a simple example here based on the toggle.

import SwiftUI

struct testView: View {
    @State private var selectedOption: String = "A"
    @State private var pickerEnabled: Bool = true
    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section("Choose an option") {
                Toggle("Enable Picker", isOn: $pickerEnabled)
                Picker("Options", selection: $selectedOption) {
                    Text("Option A").tag("A")
                    Text("Option B").tag("B")
                    Text("Option C").tag("C")
                .disabled(!pickerEnabled) // tried using either or both these two lines

#Preview {


  • try adding


    and remove the
