I added svelte-shadcn to my project and when using Select component data-highlighted property isn't added to Select.Item on hover, hence highlighting css styles aren't added. Added the same way as specified in their example here: https://www.shadcn-svelte.com/docs/components/select This is how I added the select bit:
<Select.Root type="single" name="parallelRun" bind:value={selectedPr}>
<Select.Trigger class="w-[100%]">
<Select.GroupHeading>Parallel Runs</Select.GroupHeading>
{#each data.parallelRuns as parallelRun}
<Select.Item value={parallelRun.id} label={parallelRun.name} class="select-item">
I've tried googling to find a solution, but failed. Expected result: data-higlighted property should be added to resulting div for Select.Item and standard Shadcn styles should be applied.
If I'm understanding correctly and you're trying to do something like this:
.select-item:hover {
...your highlighting styles
Then your issue is the scoping of the styles by Svelte, which is done by generating a class that will be added to every HTML element in the component. Since you're actually including the <Select.item>
component and passing a class name to it instead of giving a class to a rendered HTML element, it will not apply any CSS in your <style>
tag since it won't pass the class generated for the scoping to the components. Your solution would be to use the global
tag for styles.
:global(.select-item:hover) {
...your highlighting styles
But that's not scoped so it will apply to any element in the whole application with that class. So a better way is to leverage the scoping only select stuff inside your current component by wrapping everything in an element like this:
<div class="wrapper">
<Select.Root type="single" name="parallelRun" bind:value={selectedPr}>
<Select.Trigger class="w-[100%]">
<Select.GroupHeading>Parallel Runs</Select.GroupHeading>
{#each data.parallelRuns as parallelRun}
<Select.Item value={parallelRun.id} label={parallelRun.name} class="select-item">
/* this will only apply to the selected class that descends from .wrapper */
.wrapper :global(.select-item) {
your styles here...
/* this will apply to all selectors inside this that descend from .wrapper */
.wrapper :global {
.select-item:hover {
your styles here...
.any-other-selector {
more styles...