When using the Android emulator in Visual Studio 2022 I can't turn off the debug spam going to the output window. Is there some secret I am missing? A way to filter this out via Visual Studio? A way to disable it on the emulator side?
[EGL_emulation] app_time_stats: avg=67.45ms min=65.48ms max=69.70ms count=8
[EGL_emulation] app_time_stats: avg=65.78ms min=64.49ms max=68.74ms count=8
[EGL_emulation] app_time_stats: avg=66.76ms min=66.02ms max=67.46ms count=8
[EGL_emulation] app_time_stats: avg=66.05ms min=64.77ms max=67.36ms count=8
[EGL_emulation] app_time_stats: avg=65.70ms min=64.53ms max=66.93ms count=8
On visual studio, you can filter the log at the Debug – Output window by clicking the right.
In addition, The Android logs cannot be filtered in the Visual Studio.