
How to implement application-level retry logic using Spring AOP without modifying service classes?

I want to implement a retry mechanism at the application level in a Spring Boot application. However, I don't want to add @Retryable or make any changes to the service methods or their classes. My goal is to implement the retry logic using Spring AOP and a centralized configuration, such as RetryTemplate, for consistency across the application.

Here’s what I have done so far:

Aspect Class I created an aspect that uses RetryTemplate to handle retries for all methods within @Service classes.

public class DbConnectionRetryAspect {

    private final RetryTemplate retryTemplate;

    public DbConnectionRetryAspect(RetryTemplate retryTemplate) {
        this.retryTemplate = retryTemplate;

    public Object retry(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        System.out.println("Aspect invoked for method: " + joinPoint.getSignature());

        return retryTemplate.execute(context -> {
            System.out.println("Retry attempt: " + context.getRetryCount());
            try {
                return joinPoint.proceed();
            } catch (SQLTransientConnectionException e) {
                System.out.println("Retryable exception caught: " + e.getMessage());
                throw e; // Ensure the exception propagates for retries

RetryTemplate Configuration I created a RetryTemplate bean to define the retry logic.

public RetryTemplate retryTemplate() {
    RetryTemplate retryTemplate = new RetryTemplate();

    SimpleRetryPolicy retryPolicy = new SimpleRetryPolicy(
        5,  // maxAttempts
        Map.of(SQLTransientConnectionException.class, true)

    FixedBackOffPolicy backOffPolicy = new FixedBackOffPolicy();
    backOffPolicy.setBackOffPeriod(1000); // 1 second

    return retryTemplate;

Service Class The service method throws a SQLTransientConnectionException when the operation fails. I don’t want to annotate this method with @Retryable.

public class MyService {

    public void performOperation() throws SQLTransientConnectionException {
        System.out.println("Service method invoked");
        throw new SQLTransientConnectionException("Simulated transient error");

Configuration I added the following configuration to enable AspectJ:

@EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true)
public class AspectJConfig {

The Problem: While the aspect is being invoked, the retry logic is not working as expected. Specifically:

What I Need Help With: How can I implement application-level retry logic using Spring AOP and RetryTemplate such that:

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


  • The issue was caused by the @Transactional annotation on my custom @CustomService annotation. Since @Transactional proxies the class to handle transaction management, it interfered with the retry mechanism when combined with @Service. The retry logic was being applied to the transactional proxy, which was likely causing the method invocation to bypass the retry logic after the first call.