The goal is to segment the major paths by turns in a shortest path of a virtual reality map to know how much to score a person's navigation trajectory (blue line in image) based on how far they walked on the shortest path.
The problem right now is the algorithm function is plotting the 1st path segment good but the next segment plotted is the same sized bounding box but on the next x,y line segment position of the shortest path (right next to the first x, y line segment - in idealPath variable)
How can I fix my current code to detect the next path segment and plot the next bounding segmentation box (in orange)? idealPath which is the shortest path plotted in green in this case is 94666x2 where column 1 is the x position and 2 is the y position to plot as line segments to form the green path in the image.
Current code block:
function plotSegmentedCheckpoints(trajectory_raw, idealPath, checkpointInfo)
% Clear and hold the plot
hold on;
% Plot ideal path in green
plot(idealPath(:,1), idealPath(:,2), 'g.', 'MarkerSize', 5, 'DisplayName', 'Ideal Path');
% Plot trajectory in blue
scatter(trajectory_raw(:,1), trajectory_raw(:,2), 15, 'b', 'filled', 'DisplayName', 'Trajectory');
% Get path segments
[segmentIndices, numSegments] = findPathSegments(idealPath);
% Initialize checkpoint storage
checkpoint_bounds = zeros(numSegments, 4); % [x1, x2, y1, y2]
reached = false(numSegments, 1);
% Constants
BOX_WIDTH = 86; % Width of checkpoint boxes
% Process each segment
for i = 1:numSegments
% Get current segment
startIdx = segmentIndices(i);
endIdx = segmentIndices(i+1);
segmentPoints = idealPath(startIdx:endIdx, :);
% Calculate segment bounds
[bounds, orientation] = calculateSegmentBounds(segmentPoints, BOX_WIDTH);
checkpoint_bounds(i,:) = bounds;
% Check if trajectory reaches this checkpoint
reached(i) = checkCheckpointReached(trajectory_raw, bounds);
% Draw checkpoint box
drawCheckpointBox(bounds, reached(i), i);
% Draw direction arrow to next checkpoint if not last segment
if i < numSegments
drawDirectionArrow(bounds, idealPath(segmentIndices(i+1),:));
% Calculate and display score
score = calculateScore(reached, numSegments);
% Configure plot
% Update title with progress
title(sprintf('Checkpoint Progress: (%d/%d)\nScore: %.2f', ...
sum(reached), numSegments, score));
% Store checkpoint information
checkpointInfo.bounds = checkpoint_bounds;
checkpointInfo.reached = reached;
checkpointInfo.score = score;
% Function to find path segments based on direction changes
function [segmentIndices, numSegments] = findPathSegments(idealPath)
% Calculate path directions
vectors = diff(idealPath);
angles = atan2(vectors(:,2), vectors(:,1));
% Find significant direction changes (> 30 degrees)
angleChanges = [true; abs(diff(angles)) > pi/6];
% Combine consecutive changes that are very close
for i = 2:length(angleChanges)-1
if angleChanges(i) && angleChanges(i+1) && ...
(i - find(angleChanges(1:i-1), 1, 'last') < MIN_SEGMENT_LENGTH)
angleChanges(i) = false;
% Get indices where direction changes significantly
segmentIndices = find(angleChanges);
% Ensure first and last points are included
if segmentIndices(1) ~= 1
segmentIndices = [1; segmentIndices];
if segmentIndices(end) ~= size(idealPath,1)
segmentIndices = [segmentIndices; size(idealPath,1)];
% Number of segments
numSegments = length(segmentIndices) - 1;
% Function to calculate bounds for a segment
function [bounds, orientation] = calculateSegmentBounds(segmentPoints, BOX_WIDTH)
% Determine if segment is more vertical or horizontal
endpoint_diff = diff(segmentPoints([1 end],:));
is_vertical = abs(endpoint_diff(2)) > abs(endpoint_diff(1));
if is_vertical
% Vertical segment
x_center = mean(segmentPoints(:,1));
y_range = [min(segmentPoints(:,2)), max(segmentPoints(:,2))];
bounds = [
x_center , % x1
x_center + BOX_WIDTH, % x2
y_range(1), % y1
y_range(2) % y2
orientation = 'vertical';
% Horizontal segment
y_center = mean(segmentPoints(:,2));
x_range = [min(segmentPoints(:,1)), max(segmentPoints(:,1))];
bounds = [
x_range(1), % x1
x_range(2), % x2
y_center , % y1
y_center + BOX_WIDTH % y2
orientation = 'horizontal';
% Function to check if trajectory reaches checkpoint
function reached = checkCheckpointReached(trajectory, bounds)
in_x = trajectory(:,1) >= bounds(1) & trajectory(:,1) <= bounds(2);
in_y = trajectory(:,2) >= bounds(3) & trajectory(:,2) <= bounds(4);
reached = any(in_x & in_y);
% Function to draw checkpoint box
function drawCheckpointBox(bounds, is_reached, checkpoint_number)
x = [bounds(1), bounds(2), bounds(2), bounds(1), bounds(1)];
y = [bounds(3), bounds(3), bounds(4), bounds(4), bounds(3)];
if is_reached
fill(x(1:4), y(1:4), [0.8 1 0.8], 'FaceAlpha', 0.3, 'EdgeColor', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
fill(x(1:4), y(1:4), [1 0.8 0.8], 'FaceAlpha', 0.3, 'EdgeColor', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
% Add checkpoint number
text(mean([bounds(1), bounds(2)]), mean([bounds(3), bounds(4)]), ...
num2str(checkpoint_number), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'FontSize', 12, ...
'FontWeight', 'bold', 'Color', 'k');
% Function to draw direction arrow
function drawDirectionArrow(current_bounds, next_point)
% Calculate arrow start point (center of current box)
arrow_start = [
mean([current_bounds(1), current_bounds(2)]),
mean([current_bounds(3), current_bounds(4)])
% Calculate direction to next checkpoint
dir_vec = next_point - arrow_start;
dir_vec = dir_vec / norm(dir_vec) * 50; % Fixed length arrows
% Draw arrow
quiver(arrow_start(1), arrow_start(2), dir_vec(1), dir_vec(2), 0, ...
'Color', [1 0.5 0], 'LineWidth', 2, 'MaxHeadSize', 0.5);
% Function to calculate score
function score = calculateScore(reached, numSegments)
weights = linspace(1, 2, numSegments);
score = sum(reached .* weights') / sum(weights);
% Function to configure plot
function configureplot()
grid on;
axis equal;
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
xlabel('X Position (cm)');
ylabel('Y Position (cm)');
legend('Location', 'northwest');
xlim([0 600]);
ylim([0 600]);
Edit: With Till's suggestion, I was able to implement it and plot the segmented paths onto the figure.
If you already have the green path and just want to divide it in segments, I'd transform the coordinates of the green paths into a logical matrix. Then you can easily find the borders of the segment and display it as you want.
matrixSize = 600;
%Your green path 2 column vector
xPositions = greenPath(:,1);
yPositions = greenPath(:,2);
%Transform to logical matrix
greenPathMat = false(matrixSize);
idx = sub2ind([matrixSize, matrixSize], yPositions, xPositions);
greenPathMat(idx) = true;
%Get border in x and y direction
xBorders = diff(m,1,2);
yBorders = diff(m,1,1);
%Get Start and End
xStart = find(any(xBorders==1)) + 1;
xEnd = find(any(xBorders==-1));
yStart = find(any(yBorders==1,2)) + 1;
yEnd = find(any(yBorders==-1,2));
%Check if there are any values at matrix borders to add them to start/end
if any(greenPathMat(:,1)); xStart = [1 xStart]; end
if any(greenPathMat(:,end)); xEnd = [xEnd, matrixSize]; end
if any(greenPathMat(1,:)); yStart = [1; yStart]; end
if any(greenPathMat(end,:)); yEnd = [yEnd; matrixSize]; end
%Calc number of segments
nbSegments = length(xStart) * 2;
if length(xStart) == length(xEnd)
nbSegments = nbSegments - 1;
%Display path in black and white
hold on
colormap gray
for ii = 1:floor(nbSegments/2)
%Vertical segments
plot(polyshape([xStart(ii) xStart(ii) xEnd(ii) xEnd(ii)],...
[yStart(ii) yEnd(ii) yEnd(ii) yStart(ii)]));
%Horizontal segments
plot(polyshape([xStart(ii) xStart(ii) xEnd(ii+1) xEnd(ii+1)],...
[yStart(ii+1) yEnd(ii) yEnd(ii) yStart(ii+1)]));
%If last segment is vertical
if length(xStart) == length(xEnd)
plot(polyshape([xStart(ii+1) xStart(ii+1) xEnd(ii+1) xEnd(ii+1)],...
[yStart(ii+1) yEnd(ii+1) yEnd(ii+1) yStart(ii+1)]));
If you plot them one by one it looks like this.
Is this what you want?