I'm working on a database of keywords that is around 70000 rows and 20ish columns. I would need to extract columns based on multiple-column criteria.
Here is what the database looks like (it seems to me that the table doesn't convert into a table)
Keyword | Col A | ColB | Col C | Col D | Col E | Col F | Col G | Col H |
KW1 | x | x | x | x | beauty | auto | x | x |
KW2 | x | x | x | x | kitchen | auto | x | x |
KW3 | x | x | x | x | moto | beauty | x | x |
KW4 | x | x | x | x | kitchen | beauty | x | x |
What I'd need is: If in Col E or Col F "Beauty" is written, then export columns "Keyword", Col A, Col C, Col G, Col H.
➡ So I'd need rows 1,3,4 to be extracted into a new sheet.
My first draft is this query function, but it either returns VALUE or ERROR
=QUERY(FullSheetRange,"select A, C, G, H, where E2:E65000='Beauty' OR F2:F65000='Beauty'")
Ideally, I'd like it to be only with a classic or Array formula so I can make it a template easily shared to other people as well.
Simple QUERY()
should work. In QUERY()
function criteria's you do not need to mention full range. Instead use, only column name to refer full column. Try-
=QUERY(A:I,"select A, C, G, H where (F ='beauty') OR (G ='beauty')")
Image for clarification.