
How can I change the color of the line under the active tab in Material-UI Tabs?

How can I remove the spinner buttons (up/down arrows) from a Material-UI TextField when the type="number" is used?

When I try to this css but this is not working then I can find new props and find mui classname then solve this issues

        style: {
          backgroundColor: 'red', // Change this to your desired color
      <Tab label="Tab 1" />
      <Tab label="Tab 2" />
      <Tab label="Tab 3" />


  • In Material-UI, the tab indicator line can be customized using the TabIndicatorProps within the Tabs component. You can control its color by passing custom styles to the sx prop or using style for inline styling.

    TabIndicatorProps: This prop allows you to customize the tab indicator (the line below the selected tab).

        style: {
          backgroundColor: 'red', // Change this to your desired color
      <Tab label="Tab 1" />
      <Tab label="Tab 2" />
      <Tab label="Tab 3" />