
Why does the Android XR emulator become stuck on the Loading Screen?

I had successfully ran Google's xr-examples app in the Android XR virtual device. But when I clicked on Change XR Environment Mode to Passthrough On the virtual device crashed. Now subsequent runs of the virtual device will get stuck on the "your device is loading..." screen.

  1. I used "Wipe Data" and restarted the virtual device with no effect
  2. I tried starting up from a cold boot with no effect
  3. I deleted and created a new XR virtual device with no effect

I'm reaching out to the SO community for help 😅. Any ideas of what could be the core issue? Any other approaches I'm not considering?

Android XR virtual device stuck on loading screen


  • Snapshot's bug

    Last night I encountered the same issue. All of a sudden, the XR emulator stopped loading. I have a Mac with ARM chip. It seems to me that the main problem lies in the snapshot bug. And I was lucky to solve this problem, although I also went through all the stages that you went through.

    I'm using Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 9. Android Emulator revision 35.4.5.

    Here's what I found in Android XR's Extended Controls.

    I deleted this snapshot (via the dialog box) and then went to Settings – Advanced and selected the Autoselect Guest Gles Driver Preference option from the drop-down menu. Now XR emulator works as it should.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    However, now the XR emulator always boots via Cold Boot.

    enter image description here