
SQL ASC and DESC ordering on same column based on another column

I want to arrange pending orders by eta in asc order and completed orders in desc order, with all completed orders appearing at the bottom of the list. Not sure if this is possible in a single query.

Example data from orders table:

order status eta
1 pending 20-01-2025
2 complete 15-01-2025
3 ordered 28-01-2025
4 complete 16-01-2025
5 sailing 25-01-2025

I would like the above data to be displayed as follows:

order status eta
1 pending 20-01-2025
3 sailing 25-01-2025
5 ordered 28-01-2025
4 complete 16-01-2025
2 complete 15-01-2025

in the above result only the eta column is ordered, where all 'complete' orders at the bottom

I am using Laravel to build my app, with a Postgres backend, but I am sure any SQL solution will help. I am trying to avoid running separate queries and concat them.


  • SELECT "order", status, eta
    FROM   tbl
    ORDER  BY status = 'complete'
         , EXTRACT(epoch FROM eta) * CASE WHEN status = 'complete' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END;


    The status = 'complete' evaluates to boolean, where false sorts before true.
    If the column is defined NOT NULL, you are all set.
    If the column isn't defined NOT NULL, use status IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 'complete' instead to make sure only 'completed' is sorted last.

    ASC and DESC are syntax elements and cannot be parameterized. For data types that can be "inverted", like numeric types, you can work around this limitation by multplying with -1 for descending order. So I convert the date with EXTRACT() and then conditionally multiply with -1. Here, a simple WHEN status = 'complete' covers null values, the first CASE branch is only entered on true.

    Or an optimized variant of what you found yourself:

    SELECT "order", status, eta
    FROM   tbl
    ORDER  BY status = 'complete'
         , CASE WHEN status = 'complete' THEN null ELSE eta END
         , CASE WHEN status = 'complete' THEN eta END DESC;


    All nice trickery. But it won't use plain indexes. This is more verbose, but less confusing and typically faster with an index on (status, eta):

    (  -- parentheses required
    SELECT "order", status, eta
    FROM   tbl
    WHERE  status <> 'complete'
    ORDER  BY eta
    SELECT "order", status, eta
    FROM   tbl
    WHERE  status = 'complete'
    ORDER  BY eta DESC



    And avoid reserved words like "order" as identifiers.