
How to preserve data comma ',' while exporting data from SQL Server to flat file (CSV) where column delimiter is ','

I'm trying to export data from a SQL Server database to flat files (destination as .CSV) for migrations. The issue that I'm facing is to preserve the comma (,) in my content text. E.g. FruitsGroup column contains (Apple, Mango and Orange) but the .CSV is creating splitting the comma separated values and messing up the columns arrangements. How can get same data in single Remarks column.

I'm expecting this data in the .csv file (see below). There is a solution with using "" while changing delimiter but I don't want to use that.

This is in my database and it must reflect in my .csv file as well

ID FruitsGroup
1 Apple,Mango and Orange
2 Apple,Mango, Orange, Kiwi

This is the faulty data example what I'm getting in the .csv:

ID FruitsGroup
1 Apple
Mango and Orange 2
Apple Mango
Orange Kiwi


  • You have 2 solutions here:

    1. Change the delimiter for your file to something other than a comma (,)
    2. Define a text qualifier for your file, so that your values are wrapped in said qualifier

    Changing Delimiter

    To change the delimiter, open your Flat File Connection manager, open the "Columns" pane, and then change the "Column Delimiter" to something that doesn't appear in your data. Don't reset your columns if you have already defined them properly. This will result in a dataset like the following (I used a Pipe (|) for the delimiter):

    1|Apple,Mango and Orange

    Using Text Qualifiers

    To define a text qualifier, open your Flat File Connection Manager again, and then enter a character for Text qualifier on the General pane such as double quotes ("). This will then generate a file such as the following:

    "1","Apple,Mango and Orange"

    If you don't want specific columns to have a text qualifier, you have to set that column's TextQualified property to False in the Advanced pane. Changing ID's TextQualified property to False results in the following:

    1,"Apple,Mango and Orange"