I am trying to implement validation for API requests to my project like documented here: https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/validation
It seems to work as when I leave out fields I get appropriate errors messages. Only it also complains when I don't leave them out. Below is my code for the endpoint:
async getOrCreateHeatMap(@Body() heatMap: HeatMapGetOrCreate) {
const getHeatMap = await this.graphService.getHeatMapByFields(heatMap);
if (getHeatMap) {
return getHeatMap;
} else {
// return this.graphService.createHeatMap(name, complexity, repositoryId);
This is the DTO class I am using:
export class HeatMapGetOrCreate {
name!: string;
complexity!: number;
repositoryId!: string;
I think it's not a problem with the validation maybe, but instead with how I do the @Body
part. Is what I'm trying to do possible or do I need to define each field separately?
Silly mistake. I was using postman and posting the request as form data instead of json.