I use this SSH terminal command to see my DBs in DataGrip:
ssh -L IP1:Port1:IP11:Port11 -L IP2:Port2:IP22:Port22 -L IP3:Port3:IP33:Port33 username@IP4
After executing above command, it ask me username's password.
After entering correct password, it asks me to choose the desired site from list.
After all it connects, and then I can see my DBs in DataGrip.
How can I configure these steps in DataGrip SSH tunnel?
To have no SSH terminal connection any more.
Performing the following steps should help:
file for IP4 host to use LocalForward
:Host IP4
LocalForward IP1:Port1 IP11:Port11
LocalForward IP2:Port2 IP22:Port22
LocalForward IP3:Port3 IP33:Port33
Settings | Tools | SSH Configurations
) and select Parse config file option (or just choose OpenSSH config... as Authentication type);