I am trying to create a Private Endpoint resource for my KV which is there in the Identity Subscription My Private DNS Zones and Private DNS Zone virtual network links are all in the Connectivity Subscription I have put the code for those two resources in the Connectivity Folder
Now i want to create the Private Endpoint for my KV in Identity subscription and am using the below code
resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "kv_pe" {
name = format("pe-%s-%s-%s-%s",local.application_names.workload_type,var.environment,var.location_short_name,var.instance_number)
resource_group_name = module.resource_group.rg_name_subs
location = var.location
subnet_id = module.pvtlink_subnet.id
private_dns_zone_group {
name = local.application_name.kv_dns_zone_group_name
private_dns_zone_ids = [azurerm_private_dns_zone.private_dns_zones["privatelink-vaultcore-azure-net"].id]
private_service_connection {
is_manual_connection = false
private_connection_resource_id = module.key_vault.id
name = local.application_names.pes_conn_name_kv
subresource_names = ["vault"]
depends_on = [module.key_vault]
TF is throwing the below error while trying to do a plan :
Error: Reference to undeclared resource
│ on subscriptions/identity/identity.tf line 417, in resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "kv_pe":
│ 417: private_dns_zone_ids = [azurerm_private_dns_zone.private_dns_zones["privatelink-vaultcore-azure-net"].id]
│ A managed resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "private_dns_zones" has not
│ been declared in module.identity_subscription.
How do i refer the private dns zone that i have created under "connectivity.tf" file in the "identity.tf" where i am creating the KV private endpoint
My folder structure is shown in the screenshot
You can use a data block to reference the existing azurerm_private_dns_zone
resource in the identity.tf
file. This can ensures that the files azurerm_private_dns_zone
created in the connectivity
folder/module can be accessed by the identity
Here is the updated Terraform code below to reference the private DNS zone from connectivity.tf in the identity.tf block.
resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "kv_private_dns_zone" {
name = "privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net"
resource_group_name = "Venkat-RG"
data "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "name" {
name = "privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net"
resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "kv_private_endpoint" {
name = "venkat-vaulttest"
resource_group_name = "Venkat-RG"
location = "eastus"
subnet_id = "/subscriptions/833hgjgja7c-4dafjgjjggjg/resourceGroups/Venkat-RG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/venkat-vnet/subnets/KV-subnet"
private_dns_zone_group {
name = "kv-private-dns-group"
private_dns_zone_ids = [data.azurerm_private_dns_zone.name.id]
private_service_connection {
is_manual_connection = false
private_connection_resource_id = "/subscriptions/8332bf56-aa7c-4daa-a507-d7e60e5f09a9/resourceGroups/Venkat-RG/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/venkat-vault"
name = "keyvault-connection"
subresource_names = ["vault"]
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
subscription_id ="8332ccccc507-d7e60e5f09a9"
module "connectivity" {
source = "./subscription/connectivity"
module "identity" {
source = "./subscription/identity"
depends_on = [ module.connectivity ]
My Folder Staructure
Terraform apply
After running the script, the private endpoint was created and attached to the Key Vault