
Google Speech to Text - Not Getting the transcription | SOLVED

I am working in a workflow to transcript audio messages from WhatsApp using Google Text to Speech API and N8N.

Is very usual to get audios longer than 60 seconds, so I am using the longrunningrecognize endpoint.

I use the Baileys API to get the Audio´s base 64 via webhook, and then I send this body in the POST request to start the transcription:

  "config": {
    "encoding": "LINEAR16",
    "sampleRateHertz": 16000,
    "languageCode": "pt-BR"
  "audio": {
    "content": "{{$node["Code1"]}}"

The response for this request is the operation name. Then I make a GET request with to this URL:{{ $ }}

I get a response that indicates the operation was successful, but doesn´t gives me the transcription (see an example):

    "name": "5289922065129560738",
    "metadata": {
      "@type": "",
      "progressPercent": 100,
      "startTime": "2025-01-17T15:02:45.872249Z",
      "lastUpdateTime": "2025-01-17T15:02:46.432154Z"
    "done": true,
    "response": {
      "@type": "",
      "totalBilledTime": "3s",
      "requestId": "5289922065129560738"

The example I found in the documentation is very similar, but has more information:

  "name": "7612202767953098924",
  "metadata": {
    "@type": "",
    "progressPercent": 100,
    "startTime": "2017-07-20T16:36:55.033650Z",
    "lastUpdateTime": "2017-07-20T16:37:17.158630Z"
  "done": true,
  "response": {
    "@type": "",
    "results": [
        "alternatives": [
            "transcript": "how old is the Brooklyn Bridge",
            "confidence": 0.96096134,
        "alternatives": [

Can anyone help me to figure it out what´s wrong with it?

I was expecting to get my transcription

EDIT: I solved it. The issue ended up being the audio file´s conversion. I started using ffmpeg lib to convert it and now it`s all working.



    In the end, the issue was within the audio file conversion. The file was probably getting corrupted, so Google received a file with no audio.

    I installed ffmpeg in my N8N instance and use it to make the conversion. Everything worked fine after this.