
How to Extend a Formula to Apply to All Rows Using MAP or ARRAYFORMULA?

I’ve got a working formula that generates the due dates, descriptions, and amounts for a payment plan in Google Sheets, but it only works for the first row of the input table. I need to extend it so that it applies to every row in the table.

Here’s the input table (starting from row 4):

Description Frecuency (Months) Number of Installments Amount ($) Start Date
Plan A 3 3 $15,000.00 1/1/2023
Plan B 12 5 $1,000.00 1/3/2024

And here’s the output (which works for the first row):

Expiration date Description Amount ($)
1/1/2023 Plan A (1/3) $15,000.00
1/4/2023 Plan A (2/3) $15,000.00
1/7/2023 Plan A (3/3) $15,000.00

I’m using the following formula to generate the due dates and descriptions:

=map(sequence(D4,1,0), lambda(i,let( j,i*C4, hstack( FECHA.MES(F4,j), join("",B4," (", i + 1, "/", D4, ")"), E4 ) )))


It works for the first row, but I need it to apply to all rows. The MAP function seems to process only the first row and doesn’t extend the calculation for other rows.

What I’ve Tried:

I’ve used ARRAYFORMULA, but I can’t seem to apply it across all rows in the input table. I also considered using SEQUENCE with MAP, but it only returns the result for the first row.

PD: thanks to user "doubleunary" for coming up with the formula that helped me.


  • Use Array Manipulation Formulas (WRAPROWS & TOROW)

    With the help of the previous formula, I transformed the answer by adding WRAPROWS and TOROW functions to circumnavigate the limitation of MAP/BYROW functions (which is the fact that these functions cannot have outputs of more than 1 row per iteration). The new formula looks like this:

                  LET(description, INDEX(x,,1),
                      freq, INDEX(x,,2),
                      installment, INDEX(x,,3),
                      amount, INDEX(x,,4),
                      start, INDEX(x,,5),
                      TOROW(BYROW(sequence(installment, 1, 0),
                                   let(j, i * freq, 
                                       hstack(edate(start, j), 
                                            " (",
                                            i + 1,

    Also, there is a need to convert the cell ranges into variables since we are manipulating data from multiple rows. This is why there is an additional LET function assigning values to variables before applying the base formula from the previous post.


    1/1/2023 Plan A (1/3) $15,000.00
    4/1/2023 Plan A (2/3) $15,000.00
    7/1/2023 Plan A (3/3) $15,000.00
    1/3/2024 Plan B (1/5) $1,000.00
    1/3/2025 Plan B (2/5) $1,000.00
    1/3/2026 Plan B (3/5) $1,000.00
    1/3/2027 Plan B (4/5) $1,000.00
    1/3/2028 Plan B (5/5) $1,000.00
