
Customization of GraphiQL interface in Spring-Boot project

According to the GraphiQL README I can customize the interface by adding React children like this:

    My Custom Logo

That is great, but how do I actually set these children? I'm not a web developer and I've never used React before! I'm developing a Spring-Boot project with the following dependencies:


I don't see any way to set the children via, although I can set other things there like the pageTitle, defaultQuery and editorTheme.

I can override the graphiql.html page provided by the starter. I naively tried to set the children like this at the end of the page:

// Render <GraphiQL /> into the body.
    React.createElement(GraphiQL, props, [React.createElement('GraphiQL.Logo', {}, 'Custom LOGO')]),

That didn't have any effect.

How should I approach this?


  • I believe you are passing an array instead of a variadic argument.

    You code:

    React.createElement(GraphiQL, props, [React.createElement('GraphiQL.Logo', {}, 'Custom LOGO')]), document.body

    Code that should run:

    React.createElement(GraphiQL, props, React.createElement('GraphiQL.Logo', {}, 'Custom LOGO')), document.body

    A working example of mine follows:

    const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('graphiql'));
        const fetcher = GraphiQL.createFetcher({
          url: '',
          headers: { 'X-Method-Used': 'graphiql-pokeapi-console' },
        const explorerPlugin = GraphiQLPluginExplorer.explorerPlugin();
          React.createElement(GraphiQL, {
            defaultEditorToolsVisibility: true,
            plugins: [explorerPlugin],
            confirmCloseTab: function () { return true }
              React.createElement('img', {
                src: '',
                alt: 'pokeapi'

    The reference says that children are ...children, which means you don't need an array. Check out their example