
Undo drop in nz-zorro tree

I have following code for the tree. HTML:

  (nzOnDrop)="onNzOnDrop($event)" [nzData]="nodes" nzDraggable>
<ng-template #nzTreeTemplate let-node>


onNzOnDrop($event: NzFormatEmitEvent) {
    [doing something that causes error]
    [revert the drop]

How to undo the drop in this case? Thank you.


  • Make the API call and make the observable return a falsy value, maybe using catchError, then the drop will be cancelled as shown in the example below.

    You can try draggable-with-two-confirmation example:

    beforeDrop(arg: NzFormatBeforeDropEvent): Observable<boolean> {
      // if insert node into another node, wait 1s
      if (arg.pos === 0) {
        return of(true).pipe(delay(1000));
      } else {
        return of(false);


        nzDraggable nzBlockNode 

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