I have a Spring Boot project with the following structure:
When the API is called, the controller method processUser invokes an asynchronous method, and the API does not wait for its completion. From that method, I am calling UserService to process the user.
Current Flow:
Controller -> Creates a thread for the user (using @Async method) -> UserService (with @Transactional)
Now, I want to change the logic so that if a user has multiple sub-users, UserService should process all sub-users asynchronously in parallel to save time. However, if an error occurs during the processing of any sub-user, I want the entire transaction to roll back. The user thread should wait for all the sub-user threads to complete before finalizing the transaction.
Desired Flow:
Controller -> Creates a thread for the user (using @Async method) -> UserService (with @Transactional) -> Multiple threads for parallel processing (using @Async method) -> SubUserService (with @Transactional)
Currenlty I am facing below Exception :
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to request attributes outside of an actual web request, or processing a request outside of the originally receiving thread? If you are actually operating within a web request and still receive this message, your code is probably running outside of DispatcherServlet: In this case, use RequestContextListener or RequestContextFilter to expose the current request.
@Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public FCSessionDataBeanWebapp sessionDataBean() {
AuthenticationUser authenticationUser = null;
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
OAuth2Authentication authentication = (OAuth2Authentication) securityContext.getAuthentication();
authenticationUser = (AuthenticationUser) authentication.getPrincipal();
catch(Exception ex){
log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
if(authenticationUser != null)
return authenticationUser.getSessionDataBeanWebapp();
return new FCSessionDataBeanWebapp();
- How can I resolve the "EntityManager closed" exception mentioned above?
- Is there any way for sub-user threads to use the parent-user thread's transaction?
- Is there another way to process sub-users in parallel while still using the parent-user's transaction, such as with @TransactionalEventListener or other approaches?
Here is my current implementation:
Controller :
UserAsyncService userAsyncService;
public ResponseEntity<Object> processUser(@RequestBody Integer userId) {
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
UserAsyncService :
public class UserAsyncService {
UserService userService;
public void processUserAsync(Integer userId) throws Exception {
UserService :
public class UserService {
SubUserAsyncService subUserAsyncService;
public void processUser(Integer userId) throws Exception {
// process user
// done db process for user
List<Integer> subUsers = userDao.retriveSubUserIds(userId);
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for(Integer subUser: subusers) {
// Question : How can the following thread be implemented to use the current thread's transaction, ensuring that all subuser and parentuser data in the database is rolled back in case of an error?
CompletableFuture<Void> future = subUserAsyncService.processSubUser(subUser);
// Wait for all sunuser threads to complete
for (CompletableFuture<Void> future : futures) {
SubUserAsyncService :
public class SubUserAsyncService {
SubUserService subUserService;
public CompletableFuture<Void> processSubUserAsync(Integer userId) throws Exception {
SubUserService :
public class SubUserService {
SubUserDao subUserDao;
public void processUser(Integer userId) throws Exception {
// process subuser
I have separated the subUser process into two parts:
For the first part, I am using a multi-threaded environment with a new transaction. This transaction is only used for fetching the data, so a rollback is not required.
In the second part, the process is completed within the original user process method. This ensures that if any error occurs, the transaction for both the subUser and the parent user is rolled back entirely.