I just created a new .net blazor web app project and added this code
@page "/weather"
@attribute [StreamRendering] @rendermode InteractiveServer <PageTitle>Weather</PageTitle>
@using System.Diagnostics
<h3>Dropdown Example</h3>
<select @bind="SelectedSet" class="form-select">
<option disabled selected value="">-- Select a Set --</option>
@foreach (var set in Sets)
<option value="@set">@set</option>
} </select> <p>You selected: @SelectedSet</p>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="SetType" class="form-label">Set Type</label>
<InputSelect id="SetType" @bind-Value="CollectionSet" class="form-select">
@foreach (var set in Sets)
<option value="@set">@set</option>
</InputSelect> </div> <p>You selected: @CollectionSet</p>
@code {
private List<string> Sets = new List<string> { "Pad", "Leather", "Bronze" };
private string SelectedSet { get; set; }
private string CollectionSet { get; set; }
private void OnSetChanged(ChangeEventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine($"Selected value changed to: {SelectedSet}");
// Additional logic can be added here
} }
but when i put a breakpoint on the methods it is just not working I can't figured out why the event is not triggering. At first I used an enum and i tought it was because of that, but for a simple string it is still not working
Your (first) code should work already. When it doesn't you probably don't have an interactivity set. Add this line to the top of the file:
@rendermode InteractiveServer
The UI should update with the selection. But note that OnParametersSet()
is not a useful place to trace this, I expect the Debug.WriteLine() to only happen once.