I have a function that is creating dynamic stages to be run in parallel, the code looks similar to this...
def stagesMap = [:]
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
def stageName = "Stage ${i}"
stagesMap[testName] = {
stage("${stageName}") {
agent { label 'SomeAgent' }
script {
parallel stagesMap
When I run this pipeline all the stages run on the master agents, instead of running on the agent specified in the dynamic stage.
Is there a way to specify the agent when creating stages dynamically?
The solution was to use a node, instead of a stage.
def stagesMap = [:]
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
stagesMap[testName] = {
node('nodeNameOrLabel') { //use node here instead of stage.
script {
parallel stagesMap