In a yaml pipeline I have defined a string parameter with multiple values.
According to the selected value, I want to assign multiple variables.
The goal here is to write elegant and readable code. I want to avoid multiple ifs statements.
# I want to avoid this
- name: virtualApp
type: string
default: 'value1'
- 'value1'
- 'value2'
- 'value3'
- 'value4'
- name: poolName
value: 'pool'
- name: BuildConfiguration
value: 'Release'
- ${{ if eq(${{ parameters.virtualApp }}, 'value1') }}:
my variables for value 1
- ${{ if eq(${{ parameters.virtualApp }}, 'value2') }}:
my variables for value 2
I tried the following code which is more elegant but I get an error: unexpected value 'condition'.
- name: poolName
value: 'pool'
- name: BuildConfiguration
value: 'Release'
- template: variables-value1.yml
condition: eq( ${{ parameters.virtualApp }}, 'value1')
- template: variables-value2.yml
condition: eq( ${{ parameters.virtualApp }}, 'value2')
Is there a way to manage this?
Conditions are not natively supported in templates.
If you have variable templates such as variables-valueX.yml
you can dynamically reference the template using the parameter value:
- name: virtualApp
type: string
default: 'value1'
- 'value1'
- 'value2'
- 'value3'
- 'value4'
# other variables here
- template: variables-${{ parameters.virtualApp }}.yml