
How to get full URL from a Query in a request?

I'm trying to get a full URL from a query parameters in a GET request. I'm working in a NestJS project.

Let me explain it. I've this example URL:

I've tried to build my controller with the follow decorators:

@Query() query -> Create an object with diferent variables like:

query: {
    url: new://way?si=asdas@direction,
    pn: null,
    mc: 7,
    tr: HD,
    tp: Pay,
    am: 17,
    nam: 17,
    cu: INR

@Query('url') -> Only return url=new://way?si=asdas@direction

Do you know if there is a way to get the full URL? fullUrl = new://way?si=asdas@direction&pn=(null)&mc=7&tr=HD&tp=Pay&am=17&mam=17&cu=INR

I've thought to create a new decorator get the full URL and split it. But I would like to know if there is a better way.


  • The new URL also includes a query with several parameters delimited by &, so it's parsed, and they are perceived as additional parameters in the original URL.

    Instead, you should encode the new URL in the original query:

    And decode it in your code:

    newUrl = decodeURI(query.url);