I am trying to test a getter / setter value after it change. All test are fine except the last one in comments.
What can I do to make this an successful test. Do I need use an Spy or something else to achieve this. Can someone point me in the right direction
Also can must I update the other tests with kind of spy or mockdata.
export class component001 {
isLastRecord = false;
private _records: Records[];
set records(value: Record[]){
if(value) {
this._records = value;
this.isLastRecord = value.filter(r => r.type === 'type001').length === 1;
get records(): Record[] {
return this._records;
describe("component001", () => {
let component: Component001;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<Component001>;
beforeEach(async () => {
await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
imports: [Component001, HttpClientTestingModule]
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Component001);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
describe('Component001', () => {
it('Should return true when there the count of record changes from 2 to 1 record', () => {
let mockRecords = [
{ name: 'Barbara Gordon', type: 'type001' },
{ name: 'Cassandra Cain', type: 'type001'}
] as unknown as Record [];
component.records = mockRecords;
component.records = [mockRecords.pop()];
// it('Should return true when there the count of record changes from 1 to 2 records', () => {
// let mockRecords = [
// { name: 'Barbara Gordon', type: 'type001' }
// ] as unknown as Record [];
// expect(component.isLastRecord).toBe(false);
// component.Records = mockRecords;
// expect(component.isLastRecord).toBe(true);
// const newRecord = {name: 'Cassandra Cain', type: 'type001'} as unknown as Record;
// component.records.push(newRecord);
// expect(component.isLastRecord).toBe(false);
// });
Also I am using angular 16 with standalone components
We are updating dnsRecords
when we should update records
which has the getter and the setter.
it('Should return true when there the count of record changes from 2 to 1 record', () => {
let mockRecords = [
{ name: 'Barbara Gordon', type: 'type001' },
{ name: 'Cassandra Cain', type: 'type001' },
] as unknown as any[];
component['records'] = mockRecords;
component['records'] = [mockRecords.pop()];
For the second block and last test case, we are pushing an item into the array, but as you know (Arrays and Objects - are stored as memory references in JS). So pushing does not create a new memory reference, thus it is not considered as a update by the @Input
, the solution is to do array destructuring and create a new instance.
it('Should return true when there the count of record changes from 1 to 2 records', () => {
let mockRecords = [
{ name: 'Barbara Gordon', type: 'type001' },
] as unknown as any[];
component.records = mockRecords;
const newRecord = {
name: 'Cassandra Cain',
type: 'type001',
} as unknown as any;
component.records = [...component.records, newRecord]; // update the reference of the array only then the setter will work
describe('Component001', () => {
it('Should return true when there the count of record changes from 2 to 1 record', () => {
let mockRecords = [
{ name: 'Barbara Gordon', type: 'type001' },
{ name: 'Cassandra Cain', type: 'type001' },
] as unknown as any[];
component['records'] = mockRecords;
component['records'] = [mockRecords.pop()];
it('Should return true when there the count of record changes from 1 to 2 records', () => {
let mockRecords = [
{ name: 'Barbara Gordon', type: 'type001' },
] as unknown as any[];
component.records = mockRecords;
const newRecord = {
name: 'Cassandra Cain',
type: 'type001',
} as unknown as any;
component.records = [...component.records, newRecord]; // update the reference of the array only then the setter will work