
Can't manage to make multiple averages with SQL

I've been trying to see the average salary of each profession of a hospital (this is an exercise BTW) but I can't manage to make an average for each service separately.

My last and what I believe is the closest to the answer is:

SELECT DISTINCT profession, COUNT(salaire) as salaire_moyen
FROM personnel
LIMIT 0,5;

But it just shows this:

| profession | salaire_moyen |
| infirmier  |            17 |

Final goal would be to obtain this:

| profession    | salaire moyen | 
| secretaire    |       1300.00 | 
| aide soignant |       1400.00 | 
| infirmier     |       1505.00 | 
| psychologue   |       1700.00 | 
| medecin       |       1966.67 | 

(Sorry BTW, except for the SQL code, the terms are in French, I don't think they're so important to understand but just in case profession means job, salaire moyen is average salary, and the rest are the names of each service (secretary, doctor, etc..)).


  • In SQL, you can calculate an average of a column using the AVG function:

    SELECT profession, AVG(salaire) AS salaire_moyen
    FROM personnel
    GROUP BY profession
    LIMIT 0,5;

    You can think of AVG(a) as SUM(a) / COUNT(a)