I need to put an array of 'Tag' ids into a json.
import Foundation
import SwiftData
final class Tag {
var id = -1
var name = ""
var desc = ""
@Relationship(inverse:\Event.tags) var events: [Event]?
init(id: Int, name: String, desc: String){
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.desc = desc
I create the Json with:
var eventObject: [String: Any] = [:]
I tried to do it this way:
if let itemTags: [Tag] = item.tags {
if !itemTags.isEmpty {
eventObject["tags"] = "[\(itemTags.map{String($0.id)}.joined(separator: ","))]"
but that results in a string containing
"tags" : "[2,6]"
I also tried to iterate over it, but I get an error
if let itemTags: [Tag] = item.tags {
if !itemTags.isEmpty {
var tagMap = [Int]()
ForEach(itemTags.indices, id: \.self) { index in
eventObject["tags"] = tagMap
Ambiguous use of 'init(_:id:content:)'
I don't understand why, as I can use ForEach on that array in Views.
What is the best way to end up with:
"tags" : [2,6]
is a View that should return another View. To iterate over your itemTags
and append, use a normal
loop, such as:
for index in itemTags.indices { tagMap.append(itemTags[index].id) }
Or itemTags.forEach{ tagMap.append($0.id) }
Example code using your original setup:
if let itemTags: [Tag] = item.tags {
if !itemTags.isEmpty {
var tagMap = [Int]()
itemTags.forEach { tagMap.append($0.id) } // <--- here
eventObject["tags"] = tagMap
Or simply:
eventObject["tags"] = item.tags.map{$0.id}
Note, @Model class...
already conform to Identifiable
, there is no need for yet another var id
To get a JSON string from your eventObject
suitable for a POST request for example, try this:
print("---> eventObject: \(eventObject)")
do {
let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: eventObject, options: [])
// display the resulting json string for testing
let jsonString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
print("---> jsonString: \(jsonString as AnyObject) \n")
// add to the request
request.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(data)
// .....
} catch{