
OnlyOffice Docs: The DocumentEditor is not saving changes in Next.js

I have configured the Docs editor in my Django project as the backend and it returns the config object to my Nextjs 14 app.

When I try to load the Docs editor, it loads fine but the saving functionality is not working. I can edit the pdf and it tells me that it saves my changes, but when I reload the page, all changes are lost.

The editor is working fine and saves correctly when I try to add it in a simple HTML index file providing the config as a static object in a script.

This is what the backend returns (I replaced the tokens and keys with placeholders)

        "document": {
            "fileType": "pdf",
            "key": "xxxxx",
            "title": "Invoice #5046",
            "url": "https://xxxxx",
            "permissions": {
                "edit": true,
                "download": true,
                "comment": true,
                "review": true,
                "chat": false,
                "protect": false
        "editorConfig": {
            "callbackUrl": "https://xxxxx/",
            "mode": "edit",
            "user": {
                "id": "xxxxx",
                "name": "Mustafa Alhasanat"
        "height": "100%",
        "width": "100%",
        "token": "xxxxx"

This is the frontend code

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
"use client";

import React from "react";
import { OnlyOfficeConfig } from "only-office";
import { DocumentEditor } from "@onlyoffice/document-editor-react";

function onDocumentReady(event: any) {
    console.log("Document is loaded");

function onLoadComponentError(errorCode: any, errorDescription: any) {
    switch (errorCode) {
        case -1: // Unknown error loading component

        case -2: // Error load DocsAPI from http://documentserver/

        case -3: // DocsAPI is not defined

export const OnlyOfficeComponent = React.memo(({ config }: { config: OnlyOfficeConfig }) => {
    return (
        <pre className="w-full h-full">
                documentServerUrl="https://MY_SERVER_URL/"  // I replaced this in my code

I tried both configuring the editor by the provided component and by a loaded script and both have the same issue


  • If you mean the “all changes saved” message at the bottom of the editors page, it indicates that the changes in the document have been successfully sent to the database, allowing a new version of the file to be created in the OO Docs cache.

    To create a new version of the file in your storage, a callback handler must be implemented on your end. There are few Document Save Examples available here

    "callbackUrl": "https://xxxxx/"

    Please describe how you save the file.