I adapted an old snippet (2 Years) code found on Business Bloomer to redirect a new order email notification based on the customer country, to fit my need of redirect it to a couple of people, one the sales person and the manager, based on the customer's Billing State instead.
I came up with the following code, but is not working as WooCommerce isn't sending the mail notification.
// PART 1
// Define an array with the state and the intended recepient
// States Codes belong to Mexico states
function matriz_estados( $ubica_estado ) {
$destinatarios = array(
'MO' => 'MO-salesperson@domain.com, state-manager@domain.com',
'CL' => 'CL-salesperson@domain.com, state-manager@domain.com',
'GT' => 'GT-salesperson@domain.com, state-manager@domain.com',',
return $destinatarios[$ubica_estado];
// PART 2
// Extract Order billing state and correlate with array to define email recipients
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_recipient_new_order', 'define_receptor', 9999, 3 );
function define_receptor( $email_recipient, $order_object, $email ) {
if ( is_admin() ) return $email_recipient;
if ( $order_object && $ubica_estado = $order_object->get_billing_state() ) {
$email_recipient = matriz_estados( $ubica_estado );
return $email_recipient;
Is there an error? is something not supposed to be in it?
Any ideas, suggestions and corrections are welcome.
There are some mistakes and missing things in your code.
Try the following instead:
// Utility function: Get a recipient based on state code
function get_recipient_for_state( $state ) {
// Define your array of state code and email(s) pairs
$data = array(
'MO' => 'MO-salesperson@domain.com,state-manager@domain.com',
'CL' => 'CL-salesperson@domain.com,state-manager@domain.com',
'GT' => 'GT-salesperson@domain.com,state-manager@domain.com',
// Check if the customer state matches
return array_key_exists($state, $data) ? $data[$state] : '';
// New order recipient based on customer billing state
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_recipient_new_order', 'new_order_recipient_based_on_state', 9999, 3 );
function new_order_recipient_based_on_state( $recipient, $order, $email ) {
if ( is_admin() || !$order ) return $recipient;
$recipient_for_state = get_recipient_for_state( $order->get_billing_state() );
return $recipient_for_state ? : $recipient;
It should work.