
Sort a multidimensional array/arraylist/hashtable

Currently I have the below code creating a multidimensional arraylist (but I am not married using arraylists, just need a free-to-add to array type):

$Installs = new-object system.collections.arraylist

$CVAFiles = get-childitem -path $HPImagingAssistantSoftPaqPath -filter *.cva | select fullname

foreach($CVAFile in $CVAFiles)
  $CVAFileContents = get-content $($CVAFile).fullname -raw

  $CVAFileContents -match '(?s).*?\[General\].*?SystemMustBeRebooted=(\d).*?\[Install Execution\].*?SilentInstall=(.*?)\n.*' | out-null

  $s = $CVAFile.fullname.split("\")[-1].split(".")[0]  

  $Installs.add(@($Matches[1],$s,$Matches[2])) | out-null}

But because it is multidimensional can't seem to use $Installs.sort() to make it sort by $Installs[1]. And I can't seem to find any other examples of sorting multidimensional arraylists online to see what the correct syntax is.

What is the correct syntax?


  • Does $Installs = $Installs | Sort-Object { $_[1] } work per chance?